Do not be far away, consider the time line of your friends on Facebook or Twitter, certainly a lot of talk about this topic. Even when you're reading this article, you must be looking for information on how to get money from Business on the internet.
Well, I will discuss some kind of online business that can provide income. Some of which I discuss this based on my experience, and several others based on the experiences of my friends who also works as an online entrepreneur.
1. Becoming an Affiliate Marketer
Affiliate marketers are those who sell other people's products and earn a percentage commission (depending on the product owner) from each sale does. This type of business carried out by a lot of online businesses, both abroad and within the country.
Products sold by the affiliate marketer is very diverse, ranging from digital products, to products that are in physical form, or even a combination of both. Affiliate program that I follow is the affiliate program of Amazon.com, Clickbank.com, and many more.
Products sold by the affiliate marketer is very diverse, ranging from digital products, to products that are in physical form, or even a combination of both. Affiliate program that I follow is the affiliate program of Amazon.com, Clickbank.com, and many more.
Amazon.com is the largest online store in the world, where most of its products are in physical form. Categories of products sold in this online store are numerous, ranging from cheap to very expensive, ranging from small to large. Such as books, digital cameras, refrigerator, TV, chairs, tables, toiletries, kitchen utensils, and even underwear is no sale there.
Amazon provides an opportunity for all owners of websites / blogs around the world to earn money from affiliate programs they provide. The amount of the commissions earned by the publisher Amazon is about 4% - 8% of total sales, and depending on how many publishers are selling products from Amazon.com. More and more products sold, the higher the percentage of commissions paid.
ClickBank.com is a place that provides products in digital form, such as an ebook, software, and membership. Affiliate program is also very much favored by internet marketers around the world due to a huge commission rate, even some product owners are willing to give a commission of up to 75% of the product price to the publisher.
2. Business Multi Level Marketing (MLM) Online
I do not like the conventional MLM business because of the system and how I see the first time recognize MLM, downlines impressed was made as forced labor and uplinenya only served to motivate. Maybe this is just my mind, but in fact many members who finally gave up.
In addition, I also do not like the conventional working methods in MLM how long, where the members have to frequent the meetings, preparing presentations to prospective new members, must woo, need frequent follow-up, and more. Surely not everyone can do these things, myself included.
3. Through Advertising Program Website / Blog
The program is called PPC (Pay Per Click), the publisher will be paid for every click made by visitors (visitors) website or blog, where the cost per click has been determined in advance by the Advertiser (advertisers). In addition to Google Adsense, there are many other companies that offer an opportunity for publishers to earn money from their site. Some companies online Advertising from abroad that offer the same program is Bidvertiser.com, Chitika.com, Infolinks.com.
In addition to PPC program, to earn money from a website can be a way to provide advertising space on the site. Usually pretty much Advertiser interested in advertising in a blog if the blog has content on specific topics and visitornya quite a lot. The price of advertising space is determined by the blog owner or it could be based on negotiations between the Advertiser and blog owners.
4. Business Service Provider Online
This business is also pretty much done by online businesses. There are many types of services required by people and can be done online. Among them are article writing service providers, providers of online promotional services, service providers SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and many more.
Actually there are quite a lot that can be done to get money from the internet. But that does not mean we should do everything to be able to get the desired results. You should select one or two types of online businesses that are suitable and capable you do, do it seriously, and you will see results.
5. Shop Online
Online store is a virtual store where customers can purchase products sold in the online store directly from the website. Nowadays there are many businesses that already have their own online store, either selling their own products or sell other people's products to resellers or dropship system.
Disadvantages dropship business is when the goods to be purchased by the customer did not exist, the transaction will not occur. That is why we must work together with suppliers who are competent and trustworthy. I personally prefer open an online store to sell goods yourself, fortunately more and we can adjust the velocity of money and product. Indeed, there will be more work and spend quite a lot of time, ranging from the provision of goods, packing, until delivery. It was back to the perpetrators of the business, which is the most suitable done.
Doing research for your business, and do an analysis to determine the development of your internet business, keep the spirit, do continuously. And see the results within a few days, weeks, months, or years. This article is already too long, this only can I review about how to make money from business on the internet. Hope can provide inspiration for you, your success.
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